Leigh-Margaret Stull shares more on the future state of Mural

July 23, 2024
 min read
An image of Mural CEO Leigh-Margaret Stull with a colorful border and black text that reads "An open letter from our CEO"
Leigh-Margaret Stull shares more on the future state of Mural
Written by 
Leigh-Margaret Stull
July 23, 2024

An open letter from Leigh-Margaret Stull, CEO of Mural

As I enter my third week as CEO of Mural, I'm incredibly optimistic about what lies ahead. I see Mural as a company brimming with potential – a company deeply committed to revolutionizing digital collaboration and teamwork while fostering creativity through technology. The team's passion for growth and differentiation is inspiring, and I believe we've only scratched the surface of what we can achieve together.

Stepping into the role of CEO is both a humbling privilege and an exciting challenge. I am eager to continue building upon our foundation. I’ve spent my career helping companies find and retain top talent and am excited to now help those same organizations more effectively unlock their talent to drive business outcomes through new ways of working together.  

Over the past decade, Mural has played a pivotal role in transforming how teams work together virtually to drive business outcomes. We've empowered countless individuals and organizations to think differently, to create freely, and to innovate collaboratively. I am grateful for the leadership that brought us to this pivotal moment, and I am committed to building upon our successes. I'm thrilled that our predecessors will remain instrumental in guiding us forward as we embark on this next phase of growth.

Now more than ever, the world is embracing digital transformation, and our solution is uniquely positioned to meet this moment. For our next phase, I’ll be focused on helping companies translate teamwork into trackable metrics to boost business outcomes. As we expand our reach and enhance our offerings to include deeper structures from the decades of research behind the LUMA methodology, we have the opportunity to redefine the future of work and collaboration globally.

But strategy alone is not enough. Our success will be driven by the talent, creativity, and dedication of our team. Together, we will continue to innovate, to adapt, and to put our customers first in everything we do. I am inspired by the passion and resilience I've witnessed within our company, and I am confident that we have what it takes to achieve extraordinary things.

In addition to our business strategy, we are committed to nurturing a culture that values flexibility, inclusivity, and continuous learning. Our goal is not just to be a leading company in our industry but to be a place where every person can thrive and contribute their best work.

As I embark on this journey as CEO, I am guided by a simple yet powerful belief: Everything is possible when we work together with purpose and passion. Thank you for your dedication, your enthusiasm, and your commitment to our shared vision. I am excited and honored to lead Mural into this next chapter of growth and innovation. 

Together, let's create a future where collaboration knows no boundaries.

Leigh-Margaret Stull
Leigh-Margaret Stull
CEO at Mural. Driving solutions & innovation for the way we work.
Published on 
July 23, 2024