Accelerate your innovation leadership: webinar recap

July 29, 2019
 min read
Six steps of leadership mural template
Accelerate your innovation leadership: webinar recap
Written by 
Jim Kalbach
July 29, 2019

'Innovation' and 'Leadership' are two words that get used often - sometimes too often - on their own, but are rarely used together. Figuring out what Innovation Leadership looks like and how it's applied to leading teams into the future interested Jay Melone and Daniel Stillman so much that they decided to put together a 12-week accelerator course to address it.

In the course of the webinar, Daniel took us through how innovation can be articulated, defined, and visualized to build team alignment + commitment. One of the points he hit home for participants was that the definition of innovation changes depending on your context. This is why it's particularly important to take time on the front end of any project to set expectations and decide on a common definition for the scope of said project.

Jay then explored different leadership styles that work under varying levels of complexity + team ecosystems. Continuing with Daniel's thread about defining things up front, he implored participants to think about how they'd want to bring their leadership style to a group of people, and also how that team as a whole wants to lead (that could mean doing something like a team charter before kicking off).

Wanting to make the webinar an interactive one for participants, each presenter asked for examples of innovation and leadership types:

Examples of innovative things that fell into each quadrant.

Examples of leaders in each leadership style category.

🖼 Explore Jay + Daniel's presentation mural here:


📹 Access webinar recording here:

⭐️ Get more info about the Innovation Leadership Accelerator program here:

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*Use promo code ILA19mural for a discount on program cost*

Also: If you're going to be in New York on July 31st, come join us along with Jay + Daniel for an in-person meetup to chat about digital collaboration:


Jim Kalbach
Jim Kalbach
Jim is a noted author, speaker, and instructor in innovation, design, and the future of work. He is currently Chief Evangelist at Mural, the leading visual work platform.
Published on 
July 29, 2019