Ask a chief of staff: facilitative leadership — webinar recap

August 5, 2021
 min read
Ask a chief of staff: facilitative leadership — webinar recap
Written by 
Angel Custodio
August 5, 2021

When most people hear “chief of staff,” they think of government officials. But the chief of staff role has quietly been gaining traction in the private sector too. From CEOs of global corporations to founders of growing startups, leaders look to chiefs of staff to help them orchestrate cross-functional projects, manage communication streams, and make effective decisions. 

Recently, Tyler Parris, founder of, discussed proven methods for chiefs of staff to design time and synthesize information before, during, and after meetings. 

Watch the webinar recap to learn how to: 

  • Organize the right type of meeting for your desired outcome
  • Choose tools and frameworks to help you prepare, facilitate, and follow up
  • Identify who is leading the meeting and set them up for success
  • Set ground rules for decision making and participation   

Watch the webinar recap:

Angel Custodio
Angel Custodio
Senior Events Marketing Manager @ MURAL‍
Published on 
August 5, 2021