No matter if you’re going back to the office full-time, part-time, or — sometime — hybrid work is coming. Are you ready?
Jim Kalbach, MURAL Chief Evangelist and Jeremy Varo-Haub, Lead Strategist and Senior Designer for Territory broke it all down for us in a webinar session discussing “Can Hybrid Work?”
Jim and Jeremy discussed the 5Ps of hybrid work:
- People: How can all employees have equitable access to contribute ideas and unleash their imagination?
- Place: How will we adjust to ensure that no matter where you work, you’re doing your best work together?
- Policy: How will our policies change to ensure that what teams accomplish together matters more than where they are?
- Process: What processes do we need in place to seamlessly share knowledge, ideas, and strategies in hybrid settings?
- Product: What products, software, and hardware are needed to bridge the gap between office, home, and everywhere in between?
👋 If you haven't yet checked it out, grab our guide to hybrid work, What It Takes to Make Hybrid Work.
Watch the webinar replay:
Explore the presentation mural:
Ready to make hybrid work? MURAL's visual collaboration software can help! Get started with a free MURAL workspace today!
Published on
July 30, 2021